Human-IST (Human Centered Interaction Science and Technology) aims to develop and evaluate new interface technologies that are usable, useful, and appealing to a broad section of people, and compatible with sustainability criteria. It is dedicated to research and training in Human-Centered Digitalisation and Interaction Science & Technology combining expertise coming from several disciplines such as computer science, psychology, law and sociology.

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CUSO Winter School on Human-AI Collaboration

Human-IST is organizing a Winter School on Human-AI Collaboration under the Doctoral Program in Computer Science of the CUSO universities.

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Simon Ruffieux interviewed by RadioFr

As part of Radio Fribourg's ‘Ça c'est une info’ programme, Simon Ruffieux takes a brief look back at the last two years of life with generative AI. Some simple advice and observations.

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Open Postdoc Position (70-80%)

Interested in Critial AI Studies? Apply to join the "Performing AI" project team.

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Masters at Human-IST

Digital Neuroscience Master

The new Specialised Master in Digital Neuroscience creates a new professional figure spanning both the neuroscience and digital sides, by using a truly interdisciplinary approach. 

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Digital Society Master

The master’s minor programme Digital Society focuses on the social dimensions and consequences of digital technology in contemporary societies. 

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Soft and Cognitive Computing

Human-Computer Interaction

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Human-IST Minisites

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Research in Soft & Cognitive Computing