
Introduction to the Special Issue on Smart Government Development and Applications
Daniel Riofrio, Luis Terán, Carmen Vaca, Matthias Stürmer, Digital Government: Research and Practice (2024) | Journal article

Experiences, demand for risky investments, and implications for price dynamics
Jörg Rieskamp, Steve Heinke, Sebastian Olschewski, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (2024) | Journal article

Exploring Urban Comfort through Novel Wearables and Environmental Surveys
Sailin Zhong, Sailin Zhong, Sailin Zhong, Sailin Zhong, Sailin Zhong, Sailin Zhong, Sailin Zhong, (2024) | Data set

Theoretical Framework of Digital Ethics Concerns for Public Services: Electronic Voting Use Case
Edy Portmann, Narek Andreasyan, Daniele Buson, Jasmin Rüst, Luis Terán, 2024 Tenth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG) (24.6.2024) | Conference

Tutorial: Voting Advice Applications — Design, Implementation, and Impact
: IEEE (24.6.2024) | Conference

User Characterization Strategies in GDPR-Compliant Environments: Beekeeper AG Case Study
José Mancera, Luis Terén, Edy Portmann, 2024 Tenth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG) (24.6.2024) | Conference

From GenAI to Political Profiling Avatars: A Data-Driven Approach to Crafting Virtual Experts for Voting Advice Applications
Luis Terán, José Alberto Mancera Andrade, (11.6.2024) | Conference

Subnational AI policy: shaping AI in a multi-level governance system
Christian Katzenbach, Laura Liebig, Licinia Güttel, Anna Jobin, AI & SOCIETY (2024) | Journal article

Rezension „Literary Theory for Robots“
Edy Portmann, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2024) | Journal article

Advancing Applications for Artificial-Intelligence-Supported Ambient Control in the Built Environment
Casper van Engelenbrug, Henriette Bier, Arwin Hidding, Seyran Khademi, Hamed Alavi, Sailin Zhong, Technology|Architecture + Design (2024) | Journal article

2024 Tenth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG)
(IEEE, 2024), ISBN: 9798350365535 | Book

Exploring Urban Comfort through Novel Wearables and Environmental Surveys
Chwalek, P. and Zhong, S. and Perry, N. and Liu, T. and Miller, C. and Alavi, H.S. and Lalanne, D. and Paradiso, J.A., arXiv (2024) | Other

Flowstrates++: An Approach to Visualize Multi-Dimensional OD Data
Fuchs, N. and Vanhulst, P. and Tuor, R. and Lalanne, D., Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (2024) | Conference

Interaktionen in der Konversationstheorie und auf Basis eines Rechnens mit Worten
Edy Portmann (2024) | Book chapter

Sensors and Sensibilities: Exploring Interactions for Habitat Comfort with an Environmental-Physiological Sensing Eyewear in the Wild
Zhong, S. and Chwalek, P. and Perry, N. and Ramsay, D. and Miller, C. and Lalanne, D. and Alavi, H.S. and Paradiso, J.A., SSRN (2024) | Other

Sensors and Sensibilities: Exploring Interactions for Habitat Comfort with an Environmental-Physiological Sensing Eyewear in the Wild
Sailin Zhong, Patrick Chwalek, Nathan Perry, David Ramsay, Clayton Miller, Denis Lalanne, Hamed Seiied Alavi, Joseph Paradiso, (2024) | Preprint

Top–down and bottom–up information acquisition: Application to financial markets
Heinke, S., Economics Letters (2024) | Journal article

‘All the good spots are already taken’: the visual properties of interior social sceneries
Mlyná?, J. and Verma, H. and Alavi, H.S. and Lalanne, D., Visual Studies (2024) | Journal article

The becoming of AI: a critical perspective on the contingent formation of AI
Christian Katzenbach, Anna Jobin (2023) | Book chapter

A Large-Scale Mixed-Methods Analysis of Blind and Low-vision Research in ACM and IEEE
Yong-Joon Thoo and Maximiliano Jeanneret Medina and Jon E. Froehlich and Nicolas Ruffieux and Denis Lalanne, The 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility: ACM (22.10.2023) | Conference

AirSpec: A Smart Glasses Platform, Tailored for Research in the Built Environment
Nathan Perry, Patrick Chwalek, Sailin Zhong, David Ramsay, Joe Paradiso, (8.10.2023) | Conference

Belief Updating and Investment Decisions: The Impact of Good or Bad News Varies With Prior Returns
Steve Heinke, Kevin Trutmann, Joerg Rieskamp, (2023) | Preprint

NugiTex: An Interactive, Affective Wearable that Informs Users of a Plant’s “Comfort” Level through Haptic Cues
Patrick Chwalek, Hye Jun Youn, Sailin Zhong, Ali Shtarbanov, (10.7.2023) | Conference

Valuating Words: Semantic Practices in Web Search Advertising
Anna Jobin, Social Media + Society (2023) | Journal article

2023 Ninth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG)
Daniel Riofrio, Luis Terán, Jhonny Pincay, Carmen Vaca (IEEE, 2023), ISBN: 9798350324501 | Book

Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learning from a Year of Hybrid Experiences
Sailin Zhong, Alberta A Ansah, Adriana S Vivacqua, Susanne Boll, Marios Constantinides, Himanshu Verma, Abdallah El Ali, Alina Lushnikova, Hamed Alavi, Sean Rintel, Andrew L Kun, Orit Shaer, Anna L Cox, Kathrin Gerling, Michael Muller, Vit Rusnak, Leticia Santos Machado, Thomas Kosch, Chiwork Collective, Sigchi Executive Committee, (19.4.2023) | Conference

Designing a Framework for Explainable Health Recommender System Based on the Ecuadorian Data Protection Regulations
Byron Jaramillo and Edison Loza-Aguirre and Luis Terán, 2023 Ninth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE (3.4.2023) | Conference

Enhancing Dynamic Profiles on Voting Advice Applications Using Social Media Analysis
Camille Nigon and José Mancera and Luis Terán, 2023 Ninth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE (3.4.2023) | Conference

Grateful Chatbots: Public Sensemaking through Individual Gratitude Interventions
Edy Portmann, Timo Schuler, (3.4.2023) | Conference

CBCovid19EC: A dataset Complete Blood Count and PCR test for COVID-19 detection in Ecuadorian population
R. Ordoñez-Avila and J. Parraga-Alava and J. Meza Hormaza and L. Vaca-Cárdenas and E. Portmann and L. Terán and M. Dorn, Data in Brief (2023) | Journal article

A Large-Scale Mixed-Methods Analysis of Blind and Low-vision Research in ACM and IEEE
Thoo, Y.-J. and Jeanneret Medina, M. and Froehlich, J.E. and Ruffieux, N. and Lalanne, D., ASSETS 2023 - Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (2023) | Conference

Applied Large-Scale Group Decision Making Using Systemic Consensus and Fuzzy Method of Comparative Linguistic Expressions
Benjamin Emmenegger, Georgiana Bigea, Edy Portmann (2023) | Book chapter

Empowering Production Workers to Program Robots: A No-Code, Skill-Based Approach
Julien Nembrini, Charly Blanc, Lionel Boudry, Andreas Sonderegger, Sarah Dégallier-Rochat (2023) | Book chapter

Enhancing user acceptance in automated systems with human-centric lighting: the role of visual comfort, personality, and preference
Papinutto, M. and Colombo, M. and Boghetti, R. and Basurto, C. and Reutter, K. and Lalanne, D. and Kämpf, J.H. and Nembrini, J., Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2023) | Conference

Older adults' perspectives on multimodal interaction with a conversational virtual coach
El Kamali, M. and Angelini, L. and Lalanne, D. and Abou Khaled, O. and Mugellini, E., Frontiers in Computer Science (2023) | Journal article

Take your time: How delayed information and restricted decision opportunities improve belief formation in investment decisions
Jörg Rieskamp, Kevin Trutmann, Steve Heinke, Finance Research Letters (2023) | Journal article

Gefühltes Wissen?
Edy Portmann, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Journal article

Rezension „The Psychology of Totalitarianism“
Edy Portmann, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Journal article

Proxy methods for detection of inhalation exposure in simulated office environments
Seoyeon Yun and Sailin Zhong and Hamed S. Alavi and Alexandre Alahi and Dusan Licina, Journal of Exposure Science {\&}amp$\mathsemicolon$ Environmental Epidemiology (2022) | Journal article

Binaural Audio in Hybrid Meetings: Effects on Speaker Identification, Comprehension, and User Experience
Sailin Zhong and Loïc Rosset and Michael Papinutto and Denis Lalanne and Hamed Seiied Alavi, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (2022) | Journal article

Binaural Audio in Hybrid Meetings: Effects on Speaker Identification, Comprehension, and User Experience
Michael Papinutto, Sailin Zhong, Loïc Rosset, Denis Lalanne, Hamed Seiied Alavi, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (2022) | Journal article

How Informed are the Swiss about Covid-19 and Prevention Measures?
Sabrina Heike Kessler, Miriam S. Cano Pardo, Anna Jobin, Fanny Georgi, European Journal of Health Communication (2022) | Journal article

Saving energy by maximising daylight and minimising the impact on occupants: An automatic lighting system approach
Michael Papinutto and Roberto Boghetti and Moreno Colombo and Chantal Basurto and Kornelius Reutter and Denis Lalanne and Jérome H. Kämpf and Julien Nembrini, Energy and Buildings (2022) | Journal article

Indoor Air Quality Forecast in Shared Spaces– Predictive Models and Adaptive Design Proposals
Hamed Alavi, Sailin Zhong, Denis Lalanne, SPOOL (2022) | Journal article

Empathy scale adaptation for artificial agents: a review with a new subscale proposal
Harika Putta and Karl Daher and Mira El Kamali and Omar Abou Khaled and Denis Lalanne and Elena Mugellini, 2022 8th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT): IEEE (17.5.2022) | Conference

The Effect of Music and Light-Color as a Machine Empathic Response on Stress in Occupational Health
Andres Felipe Dorado and Karl Daher and Elena Mugellini and Denis Lalanne and Omar Abou Khaled, 2022 8th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT): IEEE (17.5.2022) | Conference

Indoor Air Quality Forecast in Shared Spaces
Hamed Alavi, Sailin Zhong, Denis Lalanne, SPOOL (2022) | Journal article

MovieOcean: Assessment of a Personality-based Recommender System
Luca Rolshoven and Corina Masanti and Jhonny Pincay and Luis Terán and José Mancera and Edy Portmann, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications (5.2022) | Conference

On-development of a GDPR Compliant Graph-based Recommender Systems
Goloviatinski Sergiy and Herbelin Ludovic and José Mancera and Luis Terán and Jhonny Pincay and Edy Portmann, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications (5.2022) | Conference

Augmenting the Human Perception of Comfort through Interactive AI
Sailin Zhong, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts: ACM (27.4.2022) | Conference

”It Deserves to Be Further Developed”: A Study of Mainstream Web Interface Adaptability for People with Low Vision
Maximiliano Jeanneret Medina and Denis Lalanne and Baudet Cédric and Cédric Benoit, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts: ACM (27.4.2022) | Conference

Empathic and Empathetic Systematic Review to Standardize the Development of Reliable and Sustainable Empathic Systems
Karl Daher and Dahlia Saad and Elena Mugellini and Denis Lalanne and Omar Abou Khaled, Sensors (2022) | Journal article

Computational Ethics
Edy Portmann and Sara D’Onofrio, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Journal article

Etude exploratoire d'un assistant digital d'aide au montage basé sur la projection en réalité augmentée
Ruffieux, Simon and Torche, Samuel and Caon, Maurizio and Abou Khaled, Omar, New York, NY, USA: ACM (4.2022) | Conference

HMD 344 Digitale Ethik im KI-Zeitalter
Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Journal article

Rezension „The Age of A.I.: And Our Human Future“
Edy Portmann, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Journal article

Scenario-Based Simulation Platform for Developing New Interfaces and Benchmarking Controller Performance
Raphaël Tuor and Denis Lalanne, AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (3.1.2022) | Conference

A Methodology for Mapping Perceived Spatial Qualities
Moreno Colombo, Jhonny Pincay, Oleg Lavrovsky, Laura Iseli, Joris van Wezemael, Edy Portmann (2022) | Book chapter

Distance Metrics for Evaluating the Use of Exogenous Data in Load Forecasting
Ramón Christen, Luca Mazzola, Alexander Denzler, Edy Portmann (2022) | Book chapter

Feature selection reveal peripheral blood parameter's changes between COVID-19 infections patients from Brazil and Ecuador
Bruno César Feltes and Igor Araújo Vieira and Jorge Parraga-Alava and Jaime Meza and Edy Portman and Luis Teran and Márcio Dorn, Infection, Genetics and Evolution (2022) | Journal article

Human-Computer Interaction in Artificial Intelligence for Blind and Vision Impairment: An Interpretative Literature Review Based on Bibliometrics,L'interaction humain-machine en intelligence artificielle pour les aveugles et déficients visuels: Une revue de littérature interprétative fondée sur la bibliométrie
Jeanneret Medina, M. and Lalanne, D. and Baudet, C., 33e Conference Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine: Interaction Humain and IA, IHM 2022 - Annexes des actes de la Conference (2022) | Conference

Integrating daylight with general and task lighting: A longitudinal in-the-wild study in individual and open space working areas
Roberto Boghetti, Chantal Basurto, Michael Papinutto, Moreno Colombo, Kornelius Reutter, Julien Nembrini, Jérôme H. Kämpf, Solar Energy Advances (2022) | Journal article

Saving energy by maximising daylight and minimising the impact on occupants: An automatic lighting system approach
Papinutto, M. and Boghetti, R. and Colombo, M. and Basurto, C. and Reutter, K. and Lalanne, D. and Kämpf, J.H. and Nembrini, J., Energy and Buildings (2022) | Journal article

Scenario-Based Simulation Platform for Developing New Interfaces and Benchmarking Controller Performance
Raphaël Tuor and Denis Lalanne, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2022) | Other

Web User Interface Adaptation for Low Vision People: An Exploratory Study Based on a Grounded Theory Review Method , in Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Maximiliano Jeanneret Medina and Cédric Baudet and Denis Lalanne (Springer International Publishing, 2022), ISBN: 9783031050275 | Book chapter

Tailoring assistive smart glasses according to pathologies of visually impaired individuals: an exploratory investigation on social needs and difficulties experienced by visually impaired individuals
Simon Ruffieux and Chiwoong Hwang and Vincent Junod and Roberto Caldara and Denis Lalanne and Nicolas Ruffieux, Universal Access in the Information Society (2021) | Journal article

BED‐online: Acceptance and efficacy of an internet‐based treatment for binge‐eating disorder: A randomized clinical trial including waitlist conditions
Andrea Wyssen and Andrea H. Meyer and Nadine Messerli-Bürgy and Felicitas Forrer and Pierre Vanhulst and Denis Lalanne and Simone Munsch, European Eating Disorders Review (2021) | Journal article

Implementation of machine learning techniques for the quasi real-time blind and electric lighting optimization in a controlled experimental facility
Chantal Basurto and Roberto Boghetti and Moreno Colombo and Michael Papinutto and Julien Nembrini and Jérome H Kämpf, Journal of Physics: Conference Series: IOP Publishing (1.11.2021) | Conference

Towards the integration of personal task-lighting in an optimised balance between electric lighting and daylighting: A user-centred study of emotion, visual comfort, interaction and form-factor of task lights
M. Papinutto and M. Colombo and M. Golsouzidou and K. Reutter and D. Lalanne and J. Nembrini, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2021) | Journal article

Towards the integration of personal task-lighting in an optimised balance between electric lighting and daylighting: A user-centred study of emotion, visual comfort, interaction and form-factor of task lights
M. Papinutto and M. Colombo and M. Golsouzidou and K. Reutter and D. Lalanne and J. Nembrini, Journal of Physics: Conference Series: IOP Publishing (1.11.2021) | Conference

A Literature Review on Digital Ethics from a Humanistic and Sustainable Perspective
Luis Teran and Jhonny Pincay and Ivo Wallimann-Helmer and Edy Portmann, 14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance: ACM (6.10.2021) | Conference

SensiBlend: Sensing Blended Experiences in Professional and Social Contexts
Abdallah El Ali, Himanshu Verma, Marios Constantinides, Sailin Zhong, Hamed S. Alavi, Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (21.9.2021) | Conference

Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques for the Quasi Real-Time Blind and Electric Lighting Optimization in a Controlled Experimental Facility
Basurto, Chantal and Moreno Colombo and Michael Papinutto and Julien Nembrini and Jérome Henri Kämpf, Lausanne EPFL (9.2021) | Conference

The Integration of Personal Task-Lighting in an Optimized Balance between Electric Lighting and Daylighting: A User-Centred Study of Emotion, Visual Comfort, Interaction and Form-Factor of Task Lights
Papinutto, Michael and Colombo, Moreno and Maria, Golsouzidou and Reutter, Kornelius and Lalanne, Denis and Nembrini, Julien, Lausanne EPFL (9.2021) | Conference

An Integrated Framework for Ethical and Sustainable Digitalization
Ivo Wallimann-Helmer and Luis Teran and Edy Portmann and Hanna Schubel and Jhonny Pincay, 2021 Eighth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE (28.7.2021) | Conference

Framework for Involving Citizens in Human Smart City Projects Using Collaborative Events
Narek Andreasyan and Andres Felipe Dorado Dorado and Moreno Colombo and Luis Teran and Jhonny Pincay and Minh Tue Nguyen and Edy Portmann, 2021 Eighth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE (28.7.2021) | Conference

A Human-Machine Collaboration Model for Urban Planning in Smart Cities
Jaime Meza and Leticia Vaca-Cardenas and Monica Elva Vaca-Cardenas and Luis Teran and Edy Portmann, Computer (2021) | Journal article

Country Localisation of Twitter Users
Jacky Casas and Silas Berger and Omar Abou Khaled and Elena Mugellini and Denis Lalanne, 2021 12th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS): IEEE (24.5.2021) | Conference

Already It Was Hard to Tell Who’s Speaking Over There, and Now Face Masks! Can Binaural Audio Help Remote Participation in Hybrid Meetings?
Loïc Rosset and Hamed Alavi and Sailin Zhong and Denis Lalanne, Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: ACM (8.5.2021) | Conference

Already It Was Hard to Tell Who’s Speaking Over There, and Now Face Masks! Can Binaural Audio Help Remote Participation in Hybrid Meetings?
Loïc Rosset, Hamed Alavi, Sailin Zhong, Denis Lalanne, Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (8.5.2021) | Conference

The Complexity of Indoor Air Quality Forecasting and the Simplicity of Interacting with It – A Case Study of 1007 Office Meetings
Sailin Zhong and Denis Lalanne and Hamed Alavi, Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: ACM (6.5.2021) | Conference

The Complexity of Indoor Air Quality Forecasting and the Simplicity of Interacting with It – A Case Study of 1007 Office Meetings
Sailin Zhong, Denis Lalanne, Hamed Alavi, Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2021) | Journal article

Colvis—A Structured Annotation Acquisition System for Data Visualization
Pierre Vanhulst and Raphaël Tuor and Florian Évéquoz and Denis Lalanne, Information (2021) | Journal article

Colvis—A Structured Annotation Acquisition System for Data Visualization
Pierre Vanhulst and Raphaël Tuor and Florian Évéquoz and Denis Lalanne, Information (2021) | Journal article

Guest Editorial: Special Section on eGovernment Research, Management and Innovation (SIEGRMI)
Andreas Meier and Luis Teran, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (2021) | Journal article

Classification of drivers' workload using physiological signals in conditional automation
Meteier, Quentin and Capallera, Marine and Ruffieux, Simon and Angelini, Leonardo and Abou Khaled, Omar and Mugellini, Elena and Widmer, Marino and Sonderegger, Andreas, Frontiers in psychology (2021) | Journal article

Guest Editorial: Special Issue on eGovernment Development and Applications (SIEGDA)
Meier, Andreas and Terán, Luis, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (2021) | Journal article

Implementation of machine learning techniques for the quasi real-time blind and electric lighting optimization in a controlled experimental facility
Basurto, C. and Boghetti, R. and Colombo, M. and Papinutto, M. and Nembrini, J. and Kämpf, J.H., Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2021) | Conference

Online and Offline Robot Programming via Augmented Reality Workspaces
Thoo, Yong Joon and Maceiras, Jérémy and Abbet, Philip and Racca, Mattia and Girgin, Hakan and Calinon, Sylvain, (2021) | Preprint

Semantic Similarity Between Adjectives and Adverbs—The Introduction of a New Measure
Colombo, M. and Portmann, E. (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2021) | Book

Streetwise: Mapping Citizens’ Perceived Spatial Qualities
Moreno Colombo and Jhonny Pincay and Oleg Lavrovsky and Laura Iseli and Joris Van Wezemael and Edy Portmann, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications (2021) | Conference

Tailoring assistive smart glasses according to pathologies of visually impaired individuals: an exploratory investigation on social needs and difficulties experienced by visually impaired individuals
Ruffieux, Simon and Hwang, Chiwoong and Junod, Vincent and Caldara, Roberto and Lalanne, Denis and Ruffieux, Nicolas, Universal Access in the Information Society (2021) | Journal article

Towards the integration of personal task-lighting in an optimised balance between electric lighting and daylighting: A user-centred study of emotion, visual comfort, interaction and form-factor of task lights
Papinutto, M. and Colombo, M. and Golsouzidou, M. and Reutter, K. and Lalanne, D. and Nembrini, J., Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2021) | Conference

An Algorithm for the Automatic Precisiation of the Meaning of Adjectives
Moreno Colombo and Edy Portmann, 2020 Joint 11th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 21st International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS-ISIS): IEEE (5.12.2020) | Conference

``Working in the Dark?'' Investigation of Physiological and Psychological Indices and Prediction of Back-Lit Screen Users' Reactions to Light Dimming
Papinutto, Michael and Nembrini, Julien and Lalanne, Denis, Building and Environment (2020) | Journal article

Watchers do not follow the eye movements of Walkers
M. Papinutto and J. Lao and D. Lalanne and R. Caldara, Vision Research (2020) | Journal article

Integration of Fuzzy Logic in Analogical Reasoning: A Prototype
Moreno Colombo and Sara DOnofrio and Edy Portmann, 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP): IEEE (3.9.2020) | Conference

Assessing the Gap between a Normative and a Reality-Based Model of Building LCA
Vuarnoz, Didier and Hoxha, Endrit and Nembrini, Julien and Jusselme, Thomas and Cozza, Stefano, Journal of Building Engineering (2020) | Journal article

Cognitive Systems for Urban Planning: A Literature Review , in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
(2020), ISBN: 9783030510046 | Book chapter

Enhancing Citizens' Participation via Recommender Systems , in Open Government
(2020), ISBN: 9781522598602 | Book chapter

Forecasting Travel Times with Space Partitioning Methods
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (18.5.2020) | Conference

The Five Strands of Living Lab
Hamed S. Alavi and Denis Lalanne and Yvonne Rogers, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (2020) | Journal article

Hilo-wear: Exploring Wearable Interaction with Indoor Air Quality Forecast
Sailin Zhong, Hamed S. Alavi, Denis Lalanne, Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (25.4.2020) | Conference

2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG)
(IEEE, 2020), ISBN: 9781728158822 | Book

Health Recommendation System Framework for the Optimization of Medical Decisions , in Cognitive Computing
(2020), ISBN: 9783658279400 | Book chapter

Seq2Seq Models for Recommending Short Text Conversations
Expert Systems with Applications (2020) | Journal article

A Framework for a Crowdsourced Creation of Smart City Wheels
Colombo, M. and Hurle, S. and Portmann, E. and Schafer, E., 2020 7th International Conference on eDemocracy and eGovernment, ICEDEG 2020 (2020) | Conference

A Framework for a Crowdsourced Creation of Smart City Wheels
Moreno Colombo and Saskia Hurle and Edy Portmann and Elias Schafer, 2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE (2020) | Conference

A Proposal for an Explainable Fuzzy-based Deep Learning System for Skin Cancer Prediction
Servio Lima and Luis Teran and Edy Portmann, 2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE (2020) | Conference

An embodied and ubiquitous e-coach for accompanying older adults towards a better lifestyle
El Kamali, M. and Angelini, L. and Caon, M. and Lalanne, D. and Abou Khaled, O. and Mugellini, E. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2020) | Book

Artificial Intelligence – The Mindfire Foundation and Other Initiatives , in Cognitive Computing
Moreno Colombo and Edy Portmann and Pascal Kaufmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020), ISBN: 9783658279400 | Book chapter

Artificial Intelligence – The Mindfire Foundation and Other Initiatives
Moreno Colombo and Edy Portmann and Pascal Kaufmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020) | Book chapter

Discussing the Potential of BMS Data Mining to Extract Abnormal Building Behaviour Related to Occupants' Usage
Nembrini, Julien and Sánchez, Roberto and Lalanne, Denis, Cham: Springer International Publishing (2020) | Conference

Dynamic Profiles for Voting Advice Applications: An Implementation for the 2017 Ecuador National Elections
(Fuzzy Management Methods, 2020), ISBN: 9783030240905 | Book

Editorisches Interview: Demokratie in Zeiten des Internets
Peter Pagel and Edy Portmann and Joël Vogt, Informatik Spektrum (2020) | Journal article

Empathic Flower Companion to Increase Productivity- EFC
Daher, K. and Bardelli, Z. and Badaracco, M. and Mugellini, E. and Lalanne, D. and Khaled, O.A., 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2020 (2020) | Conference

GISTAM - Forecasting Travel Times with Space Partitioning Methods.
Jhonny Pincay and Alvin Oti Mensah and Edy Portmann and Luis Terán (SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2020) | Book

Hilo-wear: Exploring wearable interaction with indoor air quality forecast
Zhong, S. and Alavi, H.S. and Lalanne, D., Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings (2020) | Conference

Jingle Jungle Maps - Capturing Urban Sounds and Emotions in Maps
Spring, T. and Ajro, D. and Pincay, J. and Colombo, M. and Portmann, E., 2020 7th International Conference on eDemocracy and eGovernment, ICEDEG 2020 (2020) | Conference

Jingle Jungle Maps - Capturing Urban Sounds and Emotions in Maps
Timo Spring and Donat Ajro and Jhonny Pincay and Moreno Colombo and Edy Portmann, 2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE (2020) | Conference

Multimodal conversational agent for older adults' behavioral change
El Kamali, M. and Angelini, L. and Lalanne, D. and Abou Khaled, O. and Mugellini, E., ICMI 2020 Companion - Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (2020) | Conference

Partitioning Space to Identify En-Route Movement Patterns
Jhonny Pincay and Alvin Oti Mensah and Edy Portmann and Luis Teran, 2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE (2020) | Conference

Predictive Models of Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentration to Prevent Daily Decay of Productivity and Well-Being in Shared Offices.
Alavi, Hamed S and Zhong, Sailin and Lalanne, Denis, SmartPhil@ IUI (2020) | Conference

Predictive models of indoor carbon dioxide concentration to prevent daily decay of productivity and weil-being in shared offices
Alavi, H.S. and Zhong, S. and Lalanne, D., CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2020) | Conference

Reduce Stress Through Empathic Machine to Improve HCI
Daher, K. and Fuchs, M. and Mugellini, E. and Lalanne, D. and Abou Khaled, O. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020) | Book

Schlusspunkt: Demokratie in Zeiten des Internets – (m)ein Reifungsprozess
Edy Portmann, Informatik Spektrum (2020) | Journal article

Semantic Similarity Between Adjectives and Adverbs—The Introduction of a New Measure
Moreno Colombo and Edy Portmann (Germany: Springer International Publishing, 2020) | Book chapter

Tutorial: Towards Human-Centered Smart City Solutions
Colombo, M. and Nguyen, M.T. and Pincay, J., 2020 7th International Conference on eDemocracy and eGovernment, ICEDEG 2020 (2020) | Conference

“Working in the dark?” investigation of physiological and psychological indices and prediction of back-lit screen users’ reactions to light dimming
Papinutto, M. and Nembrini, J. and Lalanne, D., Building and Environment (2020) | Journal article

A Smart Luminaire in an Office Environment: Impact on Light Distribution, User Interactions and Comfort
Nembrini, Julien and Kämpf, Jérome H. and Pappinutto, Michael and Lalanne, Denis, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (11.2019) | Conference

Device, system and method for assessing and improving comfort, health and productivity
Lalanne, Denis and Alavi, Hamed Seiied (2019) | Other

Predictive Modeling for Optimization of Field Operations in Bike-Sharing Systems
Simon Ruffieux and Elena Mugellini and Omar Abou Khaled, 2019 6th Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS): IEEE (6.2019) | Conference

A Fuzzy-Based Recommender System: Case Börsenspiel for Swiss Universities
José Mancera and Minh Tue Nguyen and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2019) | Book chapter

A descriptive attribute-based framework for annotations in data visualization
Vanhulst, P. and Evequoz, F. and Tuor, R. and Lalanne, D. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019) | Book

A smart luminaire in an office environment: Impact on light distribution, user interactions and comfort
Nembrini, J. and Kämpf, J.H. and Papinutto, M. and Lalanne, D., Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2019) | Conference

Binge-eating disorder treatment goes online - Feasibility, usability, and treatment outcome of an Internet-based treatment for binge-eating disorder: Study protocol for a three-arm randomized controlled trial including an immediate treatment, a waitlist, and a placebo control group
Munsch, S. and Wyssen, A. and Vanhulst, P. and Lalanne, D. and Steinemann, S.T. and Tuch, A., Trials (2019) | Journal article

Chatbots bei der Schweizerischen Post
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Das Tao des Computing with Words
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Ecological mass timber as an answer to affordable housing in Switzerland?
Gaudry, L. and Nembrini, J. and Chabloz, M. and Schmid, M. and Golchan, D., 20th Congress of IABSE, New York City 2019: The Evolving Metropolis - Report (2019) | Conference

Engaging Pedestrians in Designing Interactions with Autonomous Vehicles
Himanshu Verma and Florian Evéquoz and Guillaume Pythoud and Grace Eden and Denis Lalanne, CHI Extended Abstracts: ACM (2019) | Conference

Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Fazit zur bewussten und unbewussten Business Intelligence
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Frage-Antwort-Systeme als Computing with Words Use Case
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Fuzzy Leadership
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Fuzzy Logic = Computing with Words
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Health Recommender Systems: A State-of-the-Art Review
: IEEE (2019) | Conference

Herausforderungen in der digitalen Transformation
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Human Smart Cities
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Human-building interaction: sketches and grounds for a research program
Hamed S. Alavi and Elizabeth F. Churchill and Mikael Wiberg and Denis Lalanne and Peter Dalsgaard and Ava Fatah gen. Schieck and Yvonne Rogers, Interactions (2019) | Journal article

ICEIS (Revised Selected Papers) - A Fuzzy Reasoning Process for Conversational Agents in Cognitive Cities.
Germany: Springer International Publishing (2019) | Conference

Introduction to Human-Building Interaction (HBI): Interfacing HCI with Architecture and Urban Design
Hamed S. Alavi and Elizabeth F. Churchill and Mikael Wiberg and Denis Lalanne and Peter Dalsgaard and Ava Fatah gen. Schieck and Yvonne Rogers, ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. (2019) | Journal article

Kollektive Intelligenz fürs Team Human
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Low-Carbon Building Energy System: Design and Operation , in Exploring: Research-Driven Building Design. Towards 2050
Didier Vuarnoz and Nembrini, Julien and Couty, Philippe and Schafer, Thibaut (Park Books, 2019), ISBN: 978-3-03860-132-6 | Book chapter

Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Ontological Design for Cognitive Cities: The New Principle for Future Urban Management
Sara D’Onofrio and Astrid Habenstein and Edy Portmann (IGI Global, 2019) | Book chapter

Pedestrians and Visual Signs of Intent: Towards Expressive Autonomous Passenger Shuttles
Himanshu Verma and Guillaume Pythoud and Grace Eden and Denis Lalanne and Florian Evéquoz, IMWUT (2019) | Journal article

Performance Measurement und Controlling
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Portfolio Management
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Rezension „Small Data“
Edy Portmann, Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2019) | Journal article

Theoretische Grundlagen zu Chatbots
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Arouse Learning Processes in Cities
Sara D’Onofrio and Elpiniki I. Papageorgiou and Edy Portmann (2019) | Other

Vasco: Interactive tool for early-exploration of data
Luque-Chipana, M. and Vanhulst, P. and Verma, H. and Lalanne, D. and Evéquoz, F., IHM 2019 - Annexes des Actes de la 31e Conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (2019) | Conference

Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Wir gehören ins Team Human
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Wo führt die Reise hin
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

Zum μ der unscharfen Logik
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

eSociety Reloaded
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book chapter

essentials - Chatbots gestalten mit Praxisbeispielen der Schweizerischen Post: HMD Best Paper Award 2018
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book

essentials - Fuzzy Humanist: Trilogie Teil III: Von der Fuzzy-Logik zum Computing with Words
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book

essentials - Fuzzy Leadership: Trilogie Teil I: Von den Wurzeln der Fuzzy-Logik bis zur smarten Gesellschaft
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book

essentials - Fuzzy Management: Trilogie Teil II: Einsatz der unscharfen Logik für Business Intelligence
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019) | Book

A Descriptive Attribute-Based Framework for Annotations in Data Visualization
Pierre Vanhulst and Florian Evéquoz and Raphaël Tuor and Denis Lalanne, VISIGRAPP (Revised Selected Papers): Springer (2018) | Conference

A Dynamic Route Planning Prototype for Cognitive Cities , in Designing Cognitive Cities
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Jorge Parra and Thomas Krebs and Noémie Zurlinden and Edy Portmann and Thomas Myrach, ed. by Edy Portmann and Marco E. Tabacchi and Rudolf Seising and Astrid Habenstein (Springer, 2018) | Book chapter

A Dynamic Route Planning Prototype for Cognitive Cities
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Jorge Parra and Thomas Krebs and Noémie Zurlinden and Edy Portmann and Thomas Myrach (Springer International Publishing, 2018) | Book chapter

AVEC 2018 Workshop and Challenge: Bipolar disorder and cross-cultural affect recognition
Ringeval, F. and Cowie, R. and Amiriparian, S. and Michaud, A. and Schuller, B. and Kaya, H. and Cummins, N. and ?ift?i, E. and Valstar, M. and Schmitt, M. and Lalanne, D. and Güle?, H. and Salah, A.A. and Pantic, M., AVEC 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop, co-located with MM 2018 (2018) | Conference

An Exploration of Creative Reasoning
Enric Trillas and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2018) | Book chapter

Automatic Embedding of Social Network Profile Links into Knowledge Graphs
Hazimeh, Hussein and Mugellini, Elena and Ruffieux, Simon and Khaled, Omar Abou and Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (2018) | Conference

Bike Usage Forecasting for Optimal Rebalancing Operations in Bike-Sharing Systems
Ruffieux, Simon and Mugellini, Elena and Khaled, Omar Abou, 2018 IEEE 30th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) (2018) | Conference

Chatbot – Der digitale Helfer im Unternehmen: Praxisbeispiele der Schweizerischen Post
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann, Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2018) | Journal article

Cognitive Computing
Peter Pagel and Edy Portmann and Karin Vey, Informatik-Spektrum (2018) | Journal article

Cognitive Computing - Theoretische Grundlagen und Praxisbeispiele der Schweizerischen Post
Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann and Michel Franzelli and Christoph Bürki, Informatik Spektrum (2018) | Journal article

Cognitive Computing – Teil 2
Peter Pagel and Edy Portmann and Karin Vey, Informatik Spektrum (2018) | Journal article

Corrigendum: Situated Organization of Video-Mediated Interaction: A Review of Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Studies
Jakub Mlynár and Esther González-Martínez and Denis Lalanne, Interacting with Computers (2018) | Journal article

Designing Cognitive Cities
Marco Elio Tabacchi and Edy Portmann and Rudolf Seising and Astrid Habenstein (Springer International Publishing, 2018) | Book chapter

Designing a classification for user-authored annotations in data visualization
Vanhulst, P. and Evéquoz, F. and Tuor, R. and Lalanne, D., VISIGRAPP 2018 - Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (2018) | Conference

Designing a classification for user-authored annotations in data visualization
Vanhulst, P. and Evéquoz, F. and Tuor, R. and Lalanne, D., VISIGRAPP 2018 - Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (2018) | Conference

Eine Architektur zur Transformation von Städten in Human Smart Cities
Michel Pfäffli and Astrid Habenstein and Edy Portmann and Stefan Metzger, Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2018) | Journal article

Erratum: Situated Organization of Video-Mediated Interaction: A Review of Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Studies (Interacting with Computers (2018) (73-84) DOI: 10.1093/iwc/iwx019)
Mlynàr, J. and Gonzàlez-Martínez, E. and Lalanne, D., Interacting with Computers (2018) | Journal article

FUZZ-IEEE - Fuzzy Reasoning in Cognitive Cities : An Exploratory Work on Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
: IEEE (2018) | Conference

From Artifacts to Architecture
Hamed S. Alavi and Elizabeth Churchill and David S. Kirk and Henriette Bier and Himanshu Verma and Denis Lalanne and Holger Schnädelbach, Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume): ACM (2018) | Conference

ICEIS (1) - Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning in Cognitive Cities - A Conceptual Framework for Urban Dialogue Systems.
: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications (2018) | Conference

Parallel Bubbles - Evaluation of Three Techniques for Representing Mixed Categorical and Continuous Data in Parallel Coordinates
Raphaël Tuor and Florian Evéquoz and Denis Lalanne, VISIGRAPP (3: IVAPP): SciTePress (2018) | Conference

Parallel bubbles evaluation of three techniques for representing mixed categorical and continuous data in parallel coordinates
Tuor, R. and Evéquoz, F. and Lalanne, D., VISIGRAPP 2018 - Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (2018) | Conference

Parallel bubbles evaluation of three techniques for representing mixed categorical and continuous data in parallel coordinates
Tuor, R. and Evéquoz, F. and Lalanne, D., VISIGRAPP 2018 - Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (2018) | Conference

Rezension „Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy“
Edy Portmann, Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2018) | Journal article

Situated organization of video-mediated interaction: A review of ethnomethodological and conversation analytic studies
Mlyná?, J. and González-Martínez, E. and Lalanne, D., Interacting with Computers (2018) | Journal article

TAKE—tactical ad-hoc network emulation
Ruffieux, Simon and Gisler, Christophe and Wagen, Jean-Frédéric and Buntschu, Francois and Bovet, Gérome, 2018 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS) (2018) | Conference

The hide and seek of workspace: Towards human-centric sustainable architecture
Alavi, H.S. and Verma, H. and Mlyná?, J. and Lalanne, D., Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings (2018) | Conference

Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Arouse Learning Processes in Cities , in Designing Cognitive Cities
Sara D’Onofrio and Elpiniki Papageorgiou and Edy Portmann (Springer, 2018) | Book chapter

Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Arouse Learning Processes in Cities
Sara D’Onofrio and Elpiniki Papageorgiou and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2018) | Book chapter

Wohin führen uns Distributed-Ledger-Technologien?
Edy Portmann, Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2018) | Journal article

Advocating the Use of Visual Analytics in the Context of BMS Data
Nembrini, Julien and Évéquoz, Florian and Baeriswyl, Roman and Lalanne, Denis, Energy Procedia (9.2017) | Conference

Real-time usage forecasting for bike-sharing systems: A study on random forest and convolutional neural network applicability
Ruffieux, Simon and Spycher, Nicolas and Mugellini, Elena and Khaled, Omar Abou, 2017 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys): IEEE (9.2017) | Conference

"our inherent desire for control": A case study of automation's impact on the perception of comfort
Brambilla, A. and Alavi, H. and Verma, H. and Lalanne, D. and Jusselme, T. and Andersen, M., Energy Procedia (2017) | Conference

A Usability Refactoring Process for Large-Scale Open Source Projects: The ILIAS Case Study
Agnes Lisowska Masson and Denis Lalanne and Timon Amstutz, CHI Extended Abstracts: ACM (2017) | Conference

Advocating the use of visual analytics in the context of BMS data
Nembrini, J. and ?véquoz, F. and Baeriswyl, R. and Lalanne, D., Energy Procedia (2017) | Conference

Comfort: A Coordinate of User Experience in Interactive Built Environments
Hamed S. Alavi and Himanshu Verma and Michael Papinutto and Denis Lalanne, INTERACT (3): Springer (2017) | Conference

Human-Building Interaction: When the Machine Becomes a Building
Nembrini, J. and Lalanne, D., Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (2017) | Conference

Human-Building Interaction: When the Machine Becomes a Building
Julien Nembrini and Denis Lalanne, INTERACT (2): Springer (2017) | Conference

Is Driverless Car Another Weiserian Mistake?
Hamed S. Alavi and Himanshu Verma and Farzaneh Bahrami and Denis Lalanne, Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume): ACM (2017) | Conference

Modelling fusion of modalities in multimodal interactive systems with MMMM
Bruno Dumas and Jonathan Pirau and Denis Lalanne, ICMI: ACM (2017) | Conference

Rethinking Wearables in the Realm of Architecture
Himanshu Verma and Hamed S. Alavi and Denis Lalanne, INTERACT Workshops: Springer (2017) | Conference

Special issue on 'The Future of Human-Building Interaction: An HCI Perspective' - guest editorial
Hamed S. Alavi and Elizabeth Churchill and Denis Lalanne, IxD&A (2017) | Journal article

Studying Space Use: Bringing HCI Tools to Architectural Projects
Himanshu Verma and Hamed S. Alavi and Denis Lalanne, CHI: ACM (2017) | Conference

The evolution of human-building interaction: An HCI perspective
Alavi, H.S. and Churchill, E. and Lalanne, D., Interaction Design and Architecture(s) (2017) | Journal article

iKnowU - Exploring the Potential of Multimodal AR Smart Glasses for the Decoding and Rehabilitation of Face Processing in Clinical Populations
Simon Ruffieux and Nicolas Ruffieux and Roberto Caldara and Denis Lalanne, INTERACT (3): Springer (2017) | Conference

iKnowU – Exploring the potential of multimodal AR smart glasses for the decoding and rehabilitation of face processing in clinical populations
Ruffieux, S. and Ruffieux, N. and Caldara, R. and Lalanne, D. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2017) | Book

iKnowU--Exploring the Potential of Multimodal AR Smart Glasses for the Decoding and Rehabilitation of Face Processing in Clinical Populations
Ruffieux, Simon and Ruffieux, Nicolas and Caldara, Roberto and Lalanne, Denis, IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (2017) | Conference

Deconstructing Human-Building Interaction
Alavi, Hamed S. and Churchill, Elizabeth and Kirk, David and Nembrini, Julien and Lalanne, Denis, interactions (2016) | Journal article

Quand La Machine Devient B̂atiment: Quelle Place En IHM Pour l'Interaction Homme-B̂atiment?
Nembrini, Julien and Lalanne, Denis, Fribourg, Switzerland (10.2016) | Conference

A comparison of three interaction modalities in the car: gestures, voice and touch
Leonardo Angelini and Jürgen Baumgartner and Francesco Carrino and Stefano Carrino and Maurizio Caon and Omar Abou Khaled and Jürgen S. Sauer and Denis Lalanne and Elena Mugellini and Andreas Sonderegger, IHM: ACM (2016) | Conference

AVEC 2016 - Depression, Mood, and Emotion Recognition Workshop and Challenge
Michel F. Valstar and Jonathan Gratch and Björn W. Schuller and Fabien Ringeval and Denis Lalanne and Mercedes Torres and Stefan Scherer and Giota Stratou and Roddy Cowie and Maja Pantic, CoRR (2016) | Journal article

AVEC 2016: Depression, Mood, and Emotion Recognition Workshop and Challenge
Michel F. Valstar and Jonathan Gratch and Björn W. Schuller and Fabien Ringeval and Denis Lalanne and Mercedes Torres and Stefan Scherer and Giota Stratou and Roddy Cowie and Maja Pantic, AVEC@ACM Multimedia: ACM (2016) | Conference

Actes de la 28ième conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM 2016, Fribourg, Switzerland, October 25-28, 2016
: ACM (2016) | Conference

Comparing gesture, speech and touch interaction modalities for in-vehicle infotainment systems
Angelini, L. and Baumgartner, J. and Carrino, F. and Carrino, S. and Caon, M. and Khaled, O.A. and Sauer, J. and Lalanne, D. and Mugellini, E. and Sonderegger, A., IHM 2016 - Actes de la 28ieme Conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (2016) | Conference

Deconstructing human-building interaction
Hamed S. Alavi and Elizabeth Churchill and David S. Kirk and Julien Nembrini and Denis Lalanne, Interactions (2016) | Journal article

Future of Human-Building Interaction
Alavi, Hamed S. and Lalanne, Denis and Nembrini, Julien and Churchill, Elizabeth and Kirk, David and Moncur, Wendy, New York, NY, USA: ACM (2016) | Conference

Future of Human-Building Interaction
Hamed S. Alavi and Denis Lalanne and Julien Nembrini and Elizabeth Churchill and David S. Kirk and Wendy Moncur, CHI Extended Abstracts: ACM (2016) | Conference

Parallel Bubbles: Visualization of categorical data in Parallel Coordinates,Parallel Bubbles : Visualisation de données catégorielles dans des Coordonnées Parallèles
Tuor, R. and Evéquoz, F. and Lalanne, D., IHM 2016 - Actes de la 28ieme Conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (2016) | Conference

Parallel Bubbles: Visualization of categorical data in Parallel Coordinates,Parallel Bubbles : Visualisation de données catégorielles dans des Coordonnées Parallèles
Tuor, R. and Evéquoz, F. and Lalanne, D., IHM 2016 - Actes de la 28ieme Conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (2016) | Conference

Parallel bubbles: categorical data visualization in parallel coordinates
Raphaël Tuor and Florian Evéquoz and Denis Lalanne, IHM: ACM (2016) | Conference

Presidents' foreword,Avant propos des présidents
Lalanne, D. and Nigay, L., IHM 2016 - Actes de la 28ieme Conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (2016) | Conference

Code and Its Image: The Functions of Text and Visualisation in a Code-Based Design Studio
Meagher, Mark and Huang, Jeffrey and Zuelzke, Nathaniel and Patt, Trevor and Labelle, Guillaume and Nembrini, Julien, Digital Creativity (2015) | Journal article

AV+EC 2015 - The first affect recognition challenge bridging across audio, video, and physiological data
Ringeval, F. and Schuller, B. and Valstar, M. and Jaiswal, S. and Marchi, E. and Lalanne, D. and Cowie, R. and Pantic, M., AVEC 2015 - Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge, co-Located with MM 2015 (2015) | Conference

AV+EC 2015: The First Affect Recognition Challenge Bridging Across Audio, Video, and Physiological Data
Fabien Ringeval and Björn W. Schuller and Michel F. Valstar and Shashank Jaiswal and Erik Marchi and Denis Lalanne and Roddy Cowie and Maja Pantic, AVEC@ACM Multimedia: ACM (2015) | Conference

Gesture recognition corpora and tools: A scripted ground truthing method
Simon Ruffieux and Denis Lalanne and Elena Mugellini and Omar Abou Khaled, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (2015) | Journal article

Move, hold and touch: A framework for Tangible gesture interactive systems
Angelini, L. and Lalanne, D. and van den Hoven, E. and Khaled, O.A. and Mugellini, E., Machines (2015) | Journal article

Prediction of asynchronous dimensional emotion ratings from audiovisual and physiological data
Fabien Ringeval and Florian Eyben and Eleni Kroupi and Anil Yüce and Jean-Philippe Thiran and Touradj Ebrahimi and Denis Lalanne and Björn W. Schuller, Pattern Recognition Letters (2015) | Journal article

Tangible Meets Gestural: Comparing and Blending Post-WIMP Interaction Paradigms
Leonardo Angelini and Denis Lalanne and Elise van den Hoven and Ali Mazalek and Omar Abou Khaled and Elena Mugellini, Tangible and Embedded Interaction: ACM (2015) | Conference

Towards an Anthropomorphic Lamp for Affective Interaction
Leonardo Angelini and Maurizio Caon and Denis Lalanne and Omar Abou Khaled and Elena Mugellini, Tangible and Embedded Interaction: ACM (2015) | Conference