AI & the lawPublished on 19.07.2024
Human-IST & the Chair of Private Law and Roman Law organize Summer Academy
The Summer Academy “AI & The Law” by the Swiss Study Foundation is taking place this summer from 31.08.2024 to 07.09.2024.
Organized by Pascal Pichonnaz, Denis Lalanne and Anna Jobin, the Summer Academy will foster a better comprehension of the intricate relationship between AI and the legal domain. To what extent may AI be fit for normative and legal treatment? What are the opportunities and challenges? The program will touch upon both technical and sociological aspects, as well as AI's profound impact on legal thinking, methodology, and the evolving legal framework.
Speakers include:
- Prof. Dr. Edy Portmann (Human-IST institute, University of Fribourg)
- Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Witt (Medical Faculty & Digital Society Initiative, University of Zurich)
- Bernard Maissen (Federal Office of Communications, Switzerland)
Find the full program via the link below:
Sommerakademie in Magliaso?AI and the Law: Myths, risks, opportunities and challenges