New team memberPublished on 19.07.2024

Lea Briguet starts as a SYA student assistant

Lea Briguet is joining Human-IST as a student assistant. She will work under the supervision of Dr. Anna Jobin on a Swiss Young Academy (SYA) project about the challenges of young academics when interacting with the media ("AcaMedia"). The AcaMedia project is led by the SYA members Prof. Dr. Odile Ammann and Dr. Aimée Zermatten.

Lea Briguet is currently a Master student in Educational Sciences and Digital Society at the University of Fribourg. She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Educational Sciences and Computer Science in 2023. Among her interests are the opportunities that computer science presents for teaching and learning, as well as the way that technology shapes (and is shaped by) our daily lives.

Find out more about AcaMedia: link.