Dorit Horst
Uservalue, CH
Industrial Lecturer
Short Biography
Dorit Horst holds a master degree in Psychology and Ergonomics from University Réné Descartes (Paris) and has been working as an ergonomist and user experience specialist for over 13 years. Before working as a user experience consultant and researcher with agencies in Germany and France, Dorit worked for Renault Cars where she helped improve the ergonomics of driving assistance and in-vehicle entertainment systems. She has conducted more than 1500 hours of user tests and interviews with users of websites, applications, medical devices and consumer electronics. In 2013 Dorit has co-founded Uservalue in Yverdon where she helps large and medium sized companies as well as startups to design better products and services for their users.
Course "Evaluating with Users"
January 18th, 2019
In this class students will understand why involving users through evaluation is the way to go to design a product that has an excellent user experience and usability. They will get an overview of the main evaluation methods such as user tests, observation, surveys, tree testing, A/B testing. Through examples from Uservalue’s consulting practice students will get a grasp of why and when these methods are useful and how they should be applied including within agile or more traditional project methodologies.
Students will deepen their knowledge of user testing, including how to prepare and moderate sessions and how to analyse and report results back to the team. Participants will get hands on experience running their own user test and learn how to avoid main biases when evaluating with users.