Jean-Marie Annoni

University of Fribourg, CH

National Academic Lecturer

Short Biography

Born in 1956 in Geneva, having completed my medical degree in 1981 in Geneva and my MD in 1985 in Zurich, I obtained my FMH in neurology in 1989, and my PD in 2000 at the University of Geneva. My teaching domain involves mostly under-graduate (3-5th year) clinical neurology, and post graduate behavioural neurology. Since 2011, I am professor of Neurology at the University of Fribourg, where I combine clinical activity, teaching programs and research projects with the laboratory of cognitive and neurological sciences (lCNS). My research expertise tackles predominantly the fields of bilingualism, decision taking and social cognition.

Course "Exceptional People"


October 12th, 2018


The topic of the «Exceptional people» course addresses the implications of brain lesions on cognition and daily functioning. We will describe some classic syndromes as models of such behavioral modifications. The second key point of the day will discuss the role of assistive technologies in overcoming these difficulties or in training compensatory mechanisms, and also the impact of these cognitive changes on technology use. We will unravel the following main cognitive topics: visual impairment, spatial neglect, aphasia, dementia and change in creativity. Finally, we will propose as a practical exercise to imagine a project in which assistive technologies are used to help compensate for a particular cognitive syndrome called visual neglect.