Jakub Mlynar

University of Fribourg, CH

National Academic Lecturer

Short Biography

Jakub Mlynar has a PhD in Sociology from the Charles University in Prague. His research is focusing on the use of digital technology in classroom interactions, but also on the situated aspects of oral history, narrative and identity. In 2017 and 2018, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Social Sciences (project „Collective memory as an interactional achievement“) and Human-IST Institute (project „Situated organization of video-mediated interaction“) at the University of Fribourg. Jakub’s recent publications include „The Hide and Seek of Workspace: Towards Human-Centric Sustainable Architecture“, written together with Hamed Alavi, Himanshu Verma and Denis Lalanne (CHI conference 2018), as well as co-edited book Human Being in the Theoretical Perspective of Social Sciences, published in 2017 in Czech. In all his research work, Jakub is above all interested in the communicative and interactional foundation of social order, exhibited by members of society through verbal and non-verbal means.

Course "Multimodal Pragmatics Research"


January 25th, 2019 (morning)


This course will focus on the key aspects of human communication in the context of interaction between people and machines. It will be organized in three 75-minute segments:

  1. Praxeology of situated human interaction: Infrastructure of talk and conversation (turn-taking, adjacency pairs, repair); temporal and spatial patterns of interaction (opening, closing, sequentiality, F-formations). Practical exercise: multimodal transcription of a very short interactional episode.
  2. Situated interaction through technology: Computer-mediated interaction – text-based, video-based, and intertwining of different modalities. Practical exercise: comparing face-to-face and computer-mediated interaction.
  3. Situated interaction with technology: Collaborative work, gesture and pointing while working with machines. Practical exercise: solving a task with shared device.