Malachy Spollen

Logitech, CH

Industrial Lecturer

Short Biography

Graduated 1st Class Honours in Industrial Design. 1991 founding member of LG Electronics first European Design Centre (LGEDT). 1998 founded award winning Strategic UX Design Agency Frontend. 2008 Head of R&D for software company Arconics Aviation (2017 acquired by Via Sat). Resident in Lausanne since 2003, joined Logitech in 2012 and in 2013 was founding member of Design Group in Logitech. Currently Senior Director of Design and Head of Design for Creativity & Productivity Business Group ($1.2B revenue). In last 5 years at Logitech we have built design talent and capability, championed consumer focus and design doing and focused on building the creative confidence that is transforming Logitech into a Design company. We have won 200+ design awards (50 in the last 12 months) seen Logitech share price rise from $6 to $42 and been named on Fast Company: Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Design.

Course "Ideation, Prototyping, Industrial and Product Design"


December 14th, 2018


This course will discuss common tools and approaches for generating design ideas from a set of requirements, and then creating prototypes that are most appropriate for various stages of the design process. It will also cover the end-to-end design of products, taking into account the design of services, software and physical products, as well as constraints from business, engineering, industrial design and end-users.